2.2: Applications Software
Exam Board:
2016 - Unit 1
What is applications software?
Don't confuse applications software and apps.
Apps generally have a single purpose, such as a game like Angry Birds or the torch tool on a phone.
Applications software can be used for a number of different functions depending on the user's needs and their purpose.
Productivity Software
This is general use software for completing a range of tasks accurately and efficiently.
Key examples include word processors (e.g. Microsoft Word or Google Docs), presentation software (e.g. Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides) and web browsers (e.g. Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome).
Email applications (e.g. Microsoft Outlook or Gmail) are beneficial to organisations because staff can send information to many customers at once which is a simpler and less costly method of communication than something like sending letters or leaflets in the mail. Emails can also include attachments of important documents and include multimedia elements like images and videos to make communication more interesting.
Databases and Spreadsheets
Database tables and spreadsheets can store both numerical and textual data ready for analysis. Examples include simple database tables and financial spreadsheets of a company's profits each year. Microsoft Access is an example of database software that uses tables of records and Microsoft Excel is an example of spreadsheet software. Data can be sorted numerically or alphabetically for both software types but graphs can be created from spreadsheets to visualise data.
When using spreadsheets (or databases) records can be locked ('record locking') so that only one person can make edits to a specific record at any one time. Edits will be saved before unlocking the file. This will stop data being incorrectly overwritten and will ensure that the data in the spreadsheet is up-to-date, accurate and fit for purpose.
Development Tools
These are tools for programmers who are creating or modifying software.
An integrated development environment (IDE) is software used to create, edit and debug (fix) programs. An IDE features a number of tools, including:
A source code editor to type program code into. It may contain features such as error highlighting and automatic formatting.
Because IDEs use high-level languages like Python or Java, a translator is required to convert the source code into machine code (binary) so that it can be understood and processed by the CPU.
A compiler is a type of translator that converts instructions into machine code (binary) in one go.
An interpreter is a type of translator that converts instructions into machine code (binary) line by line.
A debugger is used to test code and display errors.
Other development tools aid programmers with developing and maintaining websites and apps for phones / tablets.

​An advantage of databases over spreadsheets is that data can be atomised - meaning it can be stored in separate tables (e.g. one for patients and one for doctors) with records linked through relationships. This minimises data redundancy (duplication), meaning there is a lower chance of making errors, and it is easier to search through the table as each record will only appear once. A search through a database is called a 'query'.

Business Software
This is specialist software for businesses, often made bespoke for an organisation based on their needs.
Types of business software:
Project management software allows teams of workers to collaborate and split large projects into manageable tasks with clear deadlines and assigned roles.
A management information system (MIS) processes a large amount of data and organises it for use in decision-making and general data analysis. See more about an MIS in section 3.5.
Multimedia programs such as video editors or animation suites can be used to create high-quality videos with images, audio and video clips.
Collaboration tools for businesses allow employees to share ideas and resources in real-time.
Publishing software allows users to implement text and images into eye-catching designs such as posters, leaflets or static adverts to include on a website.
Expert systems use large databases for automatic decision-making, often making use of AI to quickly solve complex problems. A healthcare example of an expert system is a medical diagnosis program that may suggest possible illnesses when a patient's symptoms are input.
One example of business software used for the design and manufacture of a product is CAD / CAM (Computer-Aided Design / Computer-Aided Manufacturing). CAD is used to create highly detailed digital designs and CAM translates these designs into instructions for manufacturing machines to make the product physically.
These software packages use 3D modelling and image rendering along with exact measurements to create precise designs ready to be manufactured. Engineers use them to design and make mechanical parts and architects use them to create detailed building models and blueprints.

Questo's Questions
2.2 - Applications Software:
1. State four different kinds of productivity software and briefly describe how each could be used. For example: "Word processors can be used to type up a letter in an office or write an essay for school." [8]
2. Describe two differences between database and spreadsheet software. [2]
3a. What is an Integrated Development Environment? [1]
3b. Describe three tools used in an IDE. [6]
4. Giving brief examples of how they can be used, state four different types of business software. [8]
5. Suggest how a website design company could use each of the three types of applications software (Productivity Software, Development Tools and Business Software). [6]