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Extended Task 5


Collection of Colours

A new paint company, 'Sparkle and Shine Paint Schemes' needs a program that can manage the different colours they sell to customers. They currently have a file with many different colours and want a program made with features to add, remove and list the different colours.

For this task, you will need to create a document and include the following sections (with screenshots where appropriate):


  • An introduction to explain the Purpose of your program.

  • List of Requirements for a successful program.

  • Screenshots of your code (with comments in your code to show understanding).

  • Testing – Create a plan to show how you will test your program and then explanations of any errors that you found and how they were fixed.

  • An Evaluation of what worked, what didn’t, and how you met each of your requirements from your original list. Also, discuss further improvements that you could have made to improve your program.

Reminders for this task:

  • You will need to create a selection of options for the user to choose from. Subroutines and a while true loop may help.

  • Section 10 will help you to open, write and read from files.

  • Section 10c shows how to remove lines from a file.

  • There are multiple ways to approach this program, and your solution might look different from the example. Break the problem down and focus on one part at a time.

Example solution:

Use a menu to select the different options using a command word.


Download the colours file:

Selecting Total will list the number of colours in the file.


This should change whenever a new colour is added or one is removed.


Selecting Add will allow the user to enter the name of a new colour to be added to the file.


Selecting Letter will allow the user to enter a letter.


All colours beginning with that letter should be displayed.


Selecting Remove will allow the user to enter a colour to be removed from the file.


Selecting Random will display a random colour from the file.


Selecting End will stop the program.

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