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  • 2.4c - Character Storage - OCR GCSE (J277 Spec) | CSNewbs

    Learn about the main character sets - ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) and Unicode. Based on the J277 OCR GCSE Computer Science specification (first taught from 2020 onwards). 2.4c: Character Storage Exam Board: OCR Specification: J277 Watch on YouTube : Character Sets ASCII Unicode Text File Size What is a Character Set? A character set is a table that matches together a character and a binary value . Each character in a character set has a unique binary number matched with it . Character sets are necessary as they allow computers to exchange data and humans to input characters . Two common character sets are ASCII and Unicode : H = 01001000 ASCII Unicode ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange ) is a common character set which does not take up much memory space . It is important to understand that the number of characters that can be stored is limited by the bits available - ASCII uses 1 byte (8 bits ) which only gives 256 possible characters . This is enough for the English language but it can’t be used for other languages or all punctuation symbols. Unicode is a more popular character set because it uses 2 bytes (16 bits ) that allow for 65,536 possible characters . The extra byte allows many different languages to be represented , as well as thousands of symbols and emojis . However Unicode requires more memory to store each character than ASCII as it uses an extra byte . Character sets are logically ordered . For example, the binary code for A is 01000001 , B is 01000010 and C is 01000011 as the code increases by 1 with each character. The file size of a text file is calculated as shown below: bits per character x number of characters Example: A small text file uses the ASCII character set (which uses 8 bits per character ). There are 300 characters in the file . 300 x 8 = 2,400 bits This could be simplified as 300 bytes or 0.3 kilobytes . File Size of Text Files 01101010 = 256 possible characters 8 bits (1 byte) 1000101101001111 = 65,536 possible characters 16 bits (2 bytes) Q uesto's Q uestions 2.4c - Character Storage: 1. What is a character set and why are they needed ? [ 2 ] 2. Describe 3 differences between ASCII and Unicode . [6 ] 3. The binary code for the character P in ASCII is 01010000 . State what the binary code for the character S would be. [1 ] 4a. A text file uses the ASCII character set and contains 400 characters . What would the file size be in kilobytes ? [ 2 ] 4b. A text file uses the Unicode character set and contains 150 characters . What would the file size be in kilobytes ? [ 2 ] 2.4b - Binary Addition & Shifts Theory Topics 2.4d - Image Storage

  • 2.4e - Sound Storage - OCR GCSE (J277 Spec) | CSNewbs

    Learn about how sounds are represented in a computer system including how analogue sound waves are converted into binary. Also, learn about sample rate, bit depth, bit rate and metadata. Based on the J277 OCR GCSE Computer Science specification (first taught from 2020 onwards). 2.4e: Sound Storage Exam Board: OCR Specification: J277 Watch on YouTube : Sample Rate Bit Depth Sound File Size Converting Analogue Sound to Binary Analogue sound waves must be digitally recorded and stored in binary . To record the sound, the amplitude (height ) of the analogue sound wave is measured and recorded in binary at specific intervals . 0010 1011 0101 0101 Analog sound wave ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) Binary sample Sampling an Analogue Sound Wave Digital sampling is discrete (separate) and not continuous like analogue waves. To get the highest quality sound, many samples are taken to recreate the analogue wave as closely as possible . Sample Rate The sample rate (sampling frequency) is the number of times per second the amplitude of the sound wave is measured . It is measured in kilohertz (kHz), for example CD quality is 44.1kHz (44,100 samples per second). The higher the sample rate , the better the audio quality as the digital data more closely resembles an analogue wave . However, higher sample rates result in larger file sizes because more data is stored for each individual sample. A low sample rate will result in a low-quality sound because the digital data does not closely resemble the original analog wave . A higher sample rate will result in a higher-quality sound because the digital data more closely resembles the original analog wave . Bit Depth The bit depth is the number of bits available to represent each sample . For example, a sample with a bit depth of 4 could be 0101 or 0111 or 1010. A sample with a bit depth of 8 could be 01010110 or 1010110 or 11001111. A common bit depth is 16 bits . The higher the bit depth , the more bits are available to be used for each sample. Therefore the quality is often higher as the wave more closely resembles an analog wave . The file size will also be larger if the bit depth is higher, as each sample stores additional bits . low bit rate = lower quality high bit rate = higher quality sound file size = sample rate x bit depth x duration Example: A short audio sample has a bit depth of 4 and a sample rate of 10 samples per second . The clip is 15 seconds long . 4 bits x 10 = 40 bits per second. 40 x 15 = 600 bits . To convert the answer from bits to bytes , divide by 8 . 600 bits ÷ 8 = 75 bytes . Calculating File Size Q uesto's Q uestions 2.4e - Sound Storage: 1. Explain how an analogue sound wave is converted into a binary sample . [ 2 ] 2a. What is a sample rate ? [2 ] 2b. Explain two ways an audio file will be affected if the sample rate is increased . [4 ] 3a. What is bit depth ? [2 ] 3b. Explain two ways an audio file will be affected if the bit depth is increased . [4 ] 4 . An audio sample has a bit depth of 8 , a sample rate of 10 and it is 12 seconds long . What is the file size in bytes ? [ 2 ] 2.4d Image Storage Theory Topics 2.5 - Compression

  • Computer Science Newbies

    Homepage for learning about computer science in school. Discover topics across GCSE and Level 3 IT subjects, plus programming languages including Python, HTML and Greenfoot. C omputer S cience Newb ie s has officially reached half a million yearly visitors ! Check out the new video series for the OCR J277 GCSE , being uploaded in time for the May 2025 exams . Popular CSNewbs topics: Programming PYTHON GCSE Computer Science OCR GCSE Computer Science EDUQAS OCR Cambridge Technicals Level 3 IT You are viewing the mobile version of CSNewbs. The site will appear better on a desktop or laptop . Programming HTML CSNewbs last updated: Friday 28th March 2025 Over 502,000 visits in the last year! About CSNewbs

  • 2.5 - Compression - OCR GCSE (J277 Spec) | CSNewbs

    Learn about the benefits of compression and the differences between lossy and lossless compression. Also, learn how compression ratios work. Based on the J277 OCR GCSE Computer Science specification (first taught from 2020 onwards). 2.5: Compression Exam Board: OCR Specification: J277 Watch on YouTube : Compression Benefits Lossy Compression Lossless Compression What is compression? To compress a file means to make its size smaller . Benefits of compression include: Files take up less storage space (so more files can be stored). Files can be transferred quicker (because they are smaller). Files can be read from or written to quicker . There are two methods that are used to compress files: Lossy and Lossless . Lossy Compression Lossy compression uses an algorithm (set of instructions) to analyse a file and remove data that cannot be heard or seen by humans . For example, a lossy algorithm would analyse the sound waves of an audio file and remove any frequencies which humans cannot hear. This process reduces the size of the file . Further lossy compression will remove data that humans can see / hear . For example, the dog image to the right has been strongly compressed using a lossy algorithm and some data has clearly been removed. Lossy compression removes the data permanently , so the file can never return to its original form . Lossy compression is often used with images , audio and video to reduce the file size, for example to send over the internet. Lossless Compression Lossless compression reduces the size of a file without permanently removing any data . Because of this, the file is returned to its original form when decompressed, so no quality is lost . A file that is compressed with a lossless algorithm is usually larger than a file compressed with a lossy algorithm because no data has been permanently removed. Lossless compression is used with files that would not work if data was removed, for example executable files (e.g. programs and games) or word documents . Remember that lossy and lossless compression do not just refer to images. Below is an audio file that has been compressed with lossy compression . Data has been removed so the audio quality has decreased. 197 KB 81 KB 43 KB Q uesto's Q uestions 2.5 - Compression: 1. Describe 3 benefits of compressing a file . [ 3 ] 2. Describe the differences between lossy and lossless compression . [4 ] 3. A student needs to compress a Microsoft Word document to send in an email. Suggest which type of compression they should use and why . [ 2 ] 2.4e Sound Storage Theory Topics 3.1a - Network Types & Performance

  • 2.3 - Units - OCR GCSE (J277 Spec) | CSNewbs

    Learn about different data units of storage from bit up to petabyte, as well as data capacity calculations. Based on the J277 OCR GCSE Computer Science specification (first taught from 2020 onwards). 2.3: Data Units Exam Board: OCR Specification: J277 Watch on YouTube : Units of Data Storage Capacity Requirements All computer systems communicate , process and store data using binary . Binary is a number system consisting entirely of 0s and 1s . Why do computers use binary? Computer systems consist of billions of tiny transistors which are switches that only have two values - on (1 ) or off (0 ). Therefore all data must be represented and processed in this way. Everything that a computer needs to process must be converted into a binary format including text , images , videos and audio . 0010 1011 0101 0101 0110 0111 0101 0001 0101 0101 0101 0100 1010 1010 1010 1010 1111 1110 0010 1001 0100 1001 0010 0111 0111 0101 0011 1010 1000 0101 0110 0111 0000 1010 1010 0011 1101 1001 0010 1101 0010 0100 1001 0011 1010 1001 0101 0101 0010 0101 0111 0101 0101 1000 1011 0111 Units of Data Storage 0 / 1 All data in a computer system is made up of bits . A single bit is a 0 or a 1 . 4 bits (such as 0101 or 1101) is called a nibble . 1,000 bytes is called a kilobyte . A kilobyte can store a short email . A 8 bits is called a byte . A byte can store a single character . 1,000 kilobytes is called a megabyte . A megabyte can store about a minute of music . 1,000 megabytes is called a gigabyte . A gigabyte can store about 500 photos . 1,000 terabytes is called a petabyte . A petabyte can store about 1.5 million CDs . 1,000 gigabytes is called a terabyte . A terabyte can store about 500 hours of films . Calculating Data Capacity Requirements It is important to be able to calculate the required storage capacity for a given set of data . Example: A local DJ has a USB memory stick with a capacity of 32GB . There is currently only 9GB of space remaining . Each song is 6MB . How many songs can be stored on the remaining space of the USB stick? Solution: Because each song is recorded in megabytes but the USB stick capacity is measured in gigabytes , the values must be converted into the same storage unit . 9GB x 1000 = 9000MB 9000MB ÷ 6MB = 1,500 songs Q uesto's Q uestions 2.3 - Data Units: 1. Explain why computer systems use binary to represent data. [ 2 ] 2. Put the following data storage units in order from smallest to largest : a . kilobyte - gigabyte - byte - megabyte - nibble - bit [3 ] b. gigabyte - petabyte - kilobyte - byte - terabyte - megabyte [ 3 ] 3. A hard drive contains 25GB of remaining available storage space. Tim is an animator backing up video files. Each file is 200MB . How many files can he fit on the hard drive? [ 2 ] 4. Samantha is a musician. She has compressed each song to 900KB . Her USB memory stick contains 1.2GB of free storage. How many songs can she fit on the USB stick? [ 2 ] 5. A CD has a capacity of 650MB . How many 0.2GB audio files can be stored on the CD? [ 2 ] 0101 2.2 - Secondary Storage Theory Topics 2.4a - Number Systems

  • 2.4b - Binary Addition & Shifts - OCR GCSE (J277 Spec) | CSNewbs

    Learn about how to perform binary addition and binary shifts. Based on the J277 OCR GCSE Computer Science specification (first taught from 2020 onwards). 2.4b: Binary Addition & Shifts Exam Board: OCR Specification: J277 Watch on YouTube : Binary Addition Overflow Errors Binary Shifts Issues with Shifts Binary Addition Binary addition is a method of adding binary values without having to convert them into denary. How to add binary numbers: What is an overflow error? An overflow error occurs when a binary value is too large to be stored in the bits available . With a byte (8 bits ) the largest number that can be held is 255 . Therefore any sum of two binary numbers that is greater than 255 will result in an overflow error as it is too large to be held in 8 bits . What is binary shift? Binary shift is used to multiply and divide binary numbers . The effect of shifting left is to multiply a binary number. The effect is doubled by each place that is shifted . x The effect of shifting right is to divide a binary number. ÷ Shifting by 1 has an effect of 2 . Shifting by 2 has an effect of 4 . Shifting by 3 has an effect of 8 . For example, shifting left by 2 places has an effect of multiplying by 4 . Another example: Shifting right by 3 places has an effect of diving by 8 . How to shift a binary number: Binary Shifts Watch on YouTube Watch on YouTube Q uesto's Q uestions Binary Addition: 1. Explain what an overflow error is. [ 2 ] 2. Add together the following binary values. If an overflow error occurs you must state one has occurred. a. 010110012 and 010001012 [2 ] b. 110110112 and 010111012 [2 ] c. 001101102 and 011010112 [2 ] d. 110110112 and 010101112 [2 ] e. 011011012 and 110101102 [2 ] Binary Shifts: 1a. Draw a diagram to show the effect of multiplying and dividing a binary number . [2 ] 1b. Draw a diagram or table to show the effect a shift has for each place from 1 to 4 . For example, a shift of 1 place has an effect of 2. [4 ] 2. State the effect of the following shifts: a. Shift right by 2 places. b. Shift left by 1 place. c. Shift left 3 places. d. Shift right by 4 places. [ 1 each ] 3. Shift the following binary numbers and state the effect of the shift: a. 10101011 : Shift left by 2 places. b. 11101100 : Shift right by 3 places. c. 00001011 : Shift right by 2 places. d. 01101110 : Shift left by 1 place. [ 2 each ] 2.4a - Number Systems Theory Topics 2.4c - Character Storage

  • 2.4d - Image Storage - OCR GCSE (J277 Spec) | CSNewbs

    Learn about how images are represented in a computer system, including file size, resolution, colour depth and metadata. Based on the J277 OCR GCSE Computer Science specification (first taught from 2020 onwards). 2.4d: Image Storage Exam Board: OCR Specification: J277 Watch on YouTube : Pixels & Resolution Colour Depth & Metadata Image File Size Bitmap Images Bitmap images are made of pixels - single-colour squares - arranged on a grid . Each pixel is assigned a binary value which represents the colour of that pixel. The quality of a bitmap image depends on the total amount of pixels , this is known at the image resolution . Because it is made of pixels, scaling a bitmap image up will result in a visible loss of quality . Most images on computers are bitmaps, such as photos and screenshots . Vector Images Vector images are drawn by the computer following precise mathematical instructions to create lines and objects . Vectors are usually smaller in file size compared to bitmaps because each pixel in a bitmap is stored as an individual binary value. Vectors can be scaled up without any loss of quality and are typically used for logos and animations . How to Calculate the File Size of a Bitmap File Size = Resolution x Colour Depth The resolution of an image is the width in pixels multiplied by the height in pixels. The colour depth (also known as bit depth ) is the number of bits that are used to represent each pixel's colour . 1 bit represents 2 colours (0 or 1 / black or white). 2 bits will allow for 4 colours, 3 bits for 8 colours, 4 for 16 etc. A colour depth of 1 byte (8 bits ) allows for 256 different colours . Remember you must multiply the colour depth , not the number of available colours (e.g. 8 not 256). The RGB (Red , Green , Blue ) colour model uses 3 bytes (a byte of 256 red shades , a byte of 256 green shades and a byte of 256 blue shades ) that together can represent 16.7 million different colours. Example Height = 6 bits Resolution = height x width Resolution = 8 x 6 = 48 bits -------------------------- Colour Depth = 1 bit (only 2 colours) -------------------------- File Size = Resolution x Colour Depth File Size = 48 x 1 = 48 bits File Size in bytes = 48 ÷ 8 = 6 bytes File Size in kilobytes = 6 ÷ 1000 = 0.00 6 kilobytes Width = 8 bits Look carefully at the exam question to see if the examiner is expecting the answer in bits, bytes or kilobytes . Always calculate the file size in bits first then: Divide the file size in bits by 8 to convert to bytes . Divide the file size in bytes by 1000 to convert to kilobytes . Metadata for Images Metadata is additional data about a file . Common image metadata includes: Height and w idth in pixels Colour depth Resolution Geolocation Date created Last edited File type Author details Metadata is important, For example, the dimensions must be known so the image can be displayed correctly . Metadata for a picture taken on a smartphone: width in pixels, e.g. 720 height in pixels, e.g. 480 Q uesto's Q uestions 2.4d - Image Storage: 1. Describe three ways that bitmap and vector images are different. [ 6 ] 2. Define the terms image resolution and colour depth . [2 ] 3. How many colours can be represented with a colour depth of... a. 1 bit [ 1 ] b . 5 bits [ 1 ] c. 1 byte [ 1 ] 4. How is the file size of an image calculated? [2 ] 5a. An image file has a width of 10 pixels , a height of 8 pixels and a colour depth of 2 . What is the file size in bytes ? [3 ] 5b. An image file has a width of 120 pixels , a height of 120 pixels and a colour depth of 1 . What is the file size in kilobytes ? [3 ] 5c. An image file has a width of 32 pixels , a height of 21 pixels and a colour depth of 1 . What is the file size in bytes ? [3 ] 6. State what is meant by metadata and give three examples of metadata for a graphics file. [ 3 ] 2.4c - Character Storage Theory Topics 2.4e - Sound Storage

  • 2.4a - Number Systems - OCR GCSE (J277 Spec) | CSNewbs

    Learn about how to convert between the denary (decimal), binary and hexadecimal number systems. Based on the J277 OCR GCSE Computer Science specification (first taught from 2020 onwards). Exam Board: OCR 2.4a: Number Systems Specification: J277 Watch on YouTube : Binary and Denary Hexadecimal Number System Ranges Binary to Denary Denary to Binary Binary to Hexadecimal Hexadecimal to Binary Denary to Hexadecimal Hexadecimal to Denary What is binary? By now you should know that computer systems process data and communicate entirely in binary . Topic 2.3 explained different binary storage units such as bits (a single 0 or 1), nibbles (4 bits) and bytes (8 bits). Binary is a base 2 number system. This means that it only has 2 possible values - 0 or 1 . What is denary? Denary (also known as decimal ) is the number system that you've been using since primary school. Denary is a base 10 number system. This means that it has 10 possible values - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 . Binary & Denary Convert from binary to denary: Convert from denary to binary: Hexadecimal What is hexadecimal? Hexadecimal is a base 16 number system. This means that it has 16 possible values - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E and F . Hexadecimal is used as a shorthand for binary because it uses fewer characters to write the same value . This makes hexadecimal less prone to errors when reading or writing it , compared to binary. For example, 100111101011 in binary is 9EB in hexadecimal. Hexadecimal only uses single-character values. Double-digit numbers are converted into letters - use the table on the right to help you understand. Binary to hexadecimal: Hexadecimal to binary: Converting from denary to hexadecimal / hexadecimal to denary To convert from denary to hexadecimal or from hexadecimal to denary , it is easiest to convert to binary first . However, it is possible to convert directly from denary to hexadecimal or directly from hexadecimal to denary . The videos below explain both methods . Denary to hexadecimal: Hexadecimal to denary: Watch on YouTube Watch on YouTube Watch on YouTube Watch on YouTube Watch on YouTube Watch on YouTube Q uesto's Q uestions 2.4a - Number Systems: 1. Explain why hexadecimal numbers are used as an alternative to binary . Use an example . [ 3 ] 2. Convert the following values from binary to denary : a. 00101010 b. 11011011 c. 01011101 d. 11101110 e. 01011111 [1 each ] 3. Convert the following values from denary to binary : a. 35 b. 79 c. 101 d. 203 e. 250 [1 each ] 4. Convert the following values from binary to hexadecimal : a. 11110101 b. 01100111 c. 10111010 d. 10010000 e. 11101001 [1 each ] 5. Convert the following values from hexadecimal to binary : a. C2 b. 8A c. DE d. 54 e. F7 [1 each ] 6. Convert the following values from denary to hexadecimal : a. 134 b. 201 c. 57 d. 224 e. 101 [1 each ] 7. Convert the following values from hexadecimal to denary : a. 32 b. A5 c. 88 d. C0 e. BE [1 each ] Click the banners below to try self-marking quizzes (Google Forms) on these topics. Binary to Denary: Denary to Binary: Binary to Hexadecimal: Hexadecimal to Binary: 2.3 - Data Units Theory Topics 2.4b - Binary Addition & Shifts

  • OCR GCSE Topic List | CSNewbs

    The list of topics in the 2020 OCR GCSE Computer Science specifications. OCR GCSE Computer Science (J277) These pages are based on the J277 OCR GCSE Computer Science 2020 specification . This website is in no way affiliated with OCR . Component One 1. Systems Architecture 1.1a - The CPU 1.1b - Registers & FE Cycle 1.2 - CPU Performance 1.3 - Embedded Systems 2. Memory & Storage 2.1 - Primary Storage 2.2 - Secondary Storage 2.3 - Units 2.4a - Number Systems 2.4b - Binary Addition & Shifts 2.4c - Character Storage 2.4d - Image Storage 2.4e - Sound Storage 2.5 - Compression 3. Networks 3.1a - Network Types & Performance 3.1b - Network Hardware & Internet 3.2a - Wired & Wireless networks 3.2b - Protocols & Layers 4. Network Security 4.1 - Network Threats 4.2 - Preventing Vulnerabilities 5. Systems Software 5.1 - Operating Systems 5.2 - Utility Software 6. Impacts 6.1a - Impacts of Technology 6.1b - Legislation Component Two 1. Algorithms 1.1 - Computational Thinking 1.2 - Designing Algorithms 1.3 - Searching & Sorting Algorithms 2. Programming Fundamentals 2.1 - Programming Fundamentals 2.2 - Data Types 2.3 - Additional Programming Techniques 3. Producing Robust Programs 3.1 - Defensive Design 3.2 - Testing 4. Boolean Logic 4.1 - Boolean Logic 5. Languages & IDEs 5.1 - Languages & Translators 5.2 - Integrated Development Environment

  • 2.1 - Primary Storage - OCR GCSE (J277 Spec) | CSNewbs

    Learn what an embedded system is and about different examples of embedded systems. Based on the J277 OCR GCSE Computer Science specification (first taught from 2020 onwards). 2.1: Primary Storage (Memory) Exam Board: OCR Specification: J277 Watch on YouTube : Primary Storage RAM and ROM Virtual Memory Primary vs Secondary Storage Storage in a computer system is split into two categories: Primary Storage: Very quick because it is directly accesse d by the CPU . Typically smaller in storage size . Sometimes called ‘main memory’ . Includes RAM and ROM . Volatile vs Non-Volatile Storage Storage is also split into two types - volatile and non-volatile . Volatile storage is temporary - data is lost whenever the power is turned off . Example: RAM Non-volatile storage saves the data even when not being powered . Data can be stored long-term and accessed when the computer is switched on . Example: ROM Why do Computers need Primary Storage? Primary storage is low-capacity , internal storage that can be directly accessed by the CPU . Program instructions and data must be copied from the hard drive into RAM to be processed by the CPU because primary storage access speeds are much faster than secondary storage devices like the hard drive. Types of Primary Storage (Memory) Random Access Memory (RAM) Read-Only Memory (ROM) RAM is volatile (temporary) storage that stores all programs that are currently running . RAM also stores parts of the operating system to be accessed by the CPU. RAM is made up of a large number of storage locations, each can be identified by a unique address . ROM is non-volatile storage that cannot be changed . ROM stores the boot program / BIOS for when the computer is switched on. The BIOS then loads up the operating system to take over managing the computer. RAM ( R andom A ccess M emory) ROM ( R ead O nly M emory) Virtual Memory Programs must be stored in RAM to be processed by the CPU . Even if there is insufficient space in RAM for all programs the computer can use the hard disk drive (HDD ) as an extension of RAM - this is called virtual memory . If new data is needed to be stored in RAM then unused data in RAM is moved to the hard drive so the new data can be transferred into RAM . If the original data is required again, it can be moved back from virtual memory into RAM . Using virtual memory is beneficial because it allows more programs to be run at the same time with less system slow down . Secondary Storage: ( Section 2.2 ) Slower because it is not directly accessed by the CPU . Typically larger in storage size . Used for the long-term storage of data and files because it is non-volatile . Includes magnetic , optical and solid state storage. Q uesto's Q uestions 2.1 - Primary Storage (Memory): 1. Describe the differences between primary and secondary storage . [ 6 ] 2. Explain the difference between volatile and non-volatile storage . State an example of both types. [ 4 ] 3. Explain why the computer requires primary storage . [ 2 ] 4. For each type of memory below, describe it and state what information is stored within it: a . Random Access Memory (RAM) [3 ] b. Read-Only Memory (ROM) [ 3 ] c. Virtual memory [ 3 ] 1.3 - Embedded Systems Theory Topics 2.2 - Secondary Storage

  • 2.2 - Secondary Storage - OCR GCSE (J277 Spec) | CSNewbs

    Learn about the three main types of secondary storage - magnetic, optical and solid-state. Also, learn about the characteristics of secondary storage media including reliability and durability. Based on the J277 OCR GCSE Computer Science specification (first taught from 2020 onwards). 2.2: Secondary Storage Exam Board: OCR Specification: J277 Watch on YouTube : Secondary Storage Six Characteristics Magnetic Storage Optical Storage Solid State Storage Secondary storage is non-volatile storage used to save and store data that can be accessed repeatedly. Secondary storage is not directly embedded on the motherboard (and possibly even external ) and therefore further away from the CPU so it is slower to access then primary storage . Storage Characteristics you should know: CAPACITY : The maximum amount of data that can be stored on the device. DURABILITY : The strength of the device, to last without breaking . PORTABILITY : How easy it is to carry the device around . ACCESS SPEED : How quickly data on the device can be read or edited . COST : The average price it costs to purchase the storage device. RELIABILITY : The likelihood of the device continuing to perform well over time . Magnetic Storage A magnetic hard disk drive (HDD ) is the most common form of secondary storage within desktop computers. A read/write head moves nanometres above the disk platter and uses the magnetic field of the platter to read or edit data. An obsolete (no longer used) type of magnetic storage is a floppy disk but these have been replaced by solid state devices such as USB sticks which are much faster and have a much higher capacity. Another type of magnetic storage that is still used is magnetic tape . Magnetic tape has a high storage capacity but data has to be accessed in order (serial access ) so it is generally only used by companies to back up or archive large amounts of data . Magnetic Storage Characteristics (Hard Disk Drive): ✓ - Large CAPACITY and cheaper COST per gigabyte than solid state . ✓ - Modern external HDDs are small and well protected so they are DURABLE and PORTABLE , however because of the moving parts, they should not be moved when powered on because it can damage the device. X - Slower ACCESS SPEED than solid state but faster than optical storage . Optical Storage Optical storage uses a laser to project beams of light onto a spinning disc, allowing it to read data from a CD , DVD or Blu-Ray . This makes optical storage the slowest of the four types of secondary storage. Disc drives are traditionally internal but external disc drives can be bought for devices like laptops. Magnetic Disks are spelled with a k and Optical Discs have a c. Optical Storage Characteristics: X - Low CAPACITY : 700 MB (CD ), 4.7 GB (DVD ), 25 GB (Blu-ray ). X - Not DURABLE because discs are very fragile and can break or scratch easily. ✓ - Discs are thin and very PORTABLE . Also very cheap to buy in bulk. X - Optical discs have the Slowest ACCESS SPEED . Solid State Storage There are no moving parts in solid state storage. SSD s (Solid State Drives ) are replacing magnetic HDDs (Hard DIsk Drives) in modern computers and video game consoles because they are generally quieter , faster and use less power . A USB flash drive ( USB stick ) is another type of solid state storage that is used to transport files easily because of its small size. Memory cards , like the SD card in a digital camera or a Micro SD card in a smartphone , are another example of solid state storage. Solid State Characteristics: X - More expensive COST per gigabyte than magnetic . ✓ - Usually DURABLE but cheap USB sticks can snap or break . ✓ - The small size of USB sticks and memory cards mean they are very PORTABLE and can fit easily in a bag or pocket. ✓ - Solid State storage have a high CAPACITY and the fastest ACCESS SPEED because they contain no moving parts . Q uesto's Q uestions 2.2 - Secondary Storage: 1. Rank magnetic , optical and solid-state storage in terms of capacity , durability , portability , speed and cost . For example, magnetic has the highest capacity , then solid-state, then optical. This could be completed in a table . [15 ] 2. Justify which secondary storage should be used in each scenario and why it is the most appropriate: a. Sending videos and pictures to family in Australia through the post . [ 2 ] b. Storing a presentation to take into school . [ 2 ] c. Storing project files with other members of a group to work on together . [ 2 ] d. Backing up an old computer with thousands of files to a storage device. [ 2 ] 2.1 - Primary Storage Theory Topics 2.3 - Data Units

  • 1.1a - The CPU - OCR GCSE (J277 Spec) | CSNewbs

    Learn about the components of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Von Neumann architecture. Based on the J277 OCR GCSE Computer Science specification (first taught from 2020 onwards). Exam Board: OCR 1.1a: The CPU Specification: J277 Watch on YouTube : Purpose of the CPU CPU Components Von Neumann Architecture The Central Processing Unit ( CPU ) is the most important component in any computer system. Like many computer components, it is attached to the motherboard . The purpose of the CPU is to process data and instructions by constantly repeating the fetch-execute cycle . CPU Components The Control Unit (CU ) sends control signals to direct the operation of the CPU . Control signals and timing signals are sent to the ALU and other components such as RAM . It also decodes instructions as part of the fetch-execute cycle . ALU stands for ‘ Arithmetic and Logic Unit ’. It performs simple calculations and logical operations . A register is a temporary storage space for one instruction or address . Different registers are used during the fetch-execute cycle . Cache memory is used to temporarily store data that is frequently accessed . Cache memory is split into different levels . Cache is slower to access than the registers but much faster than RAM . Computer Architecture The way a computer is designed and structured is known as its architecture . The most common type of computer architecture is Von Neumann . It is named after the mathematician John Von Neumann (pronounced Von Noy-man) Von Neumann Architecture A computer with Von Neumann architecture stores both program instructions and data in the same memory (RAM ) and in the same format (in binary ). Instructions (technically called the opcode ) and data (technically called the operand ) are not the same . An instruction is an action to perform and data is the value to be used. For example with the command 'ADD 43 ', ADD is the instruction and 43 is the data . Von Neumann architecture also contains the key CPU components of a control unit , arithmetic logic unit (ALU ), registers and cache memory . Q uesto's Q uestions 1.1a - The CPU: 1a. What does 'CPU ' stand for ? [1 ] 1b. What is the purpose of the CPU ? [ 2 ] 2. Draw a diagram of the CPU , and l abel the four main components . [ 4 ] 3. Describe the purpose of: a. The Control Unit [ 2 ] b. The ALU [ 2 ] c. The registers [ 2 ] d. Cache memory [ 2 ] 4a. Describe the key feature of Von Neumann architecture . [ 2 ] 4b. Explain how an instruction is different to data . [ 2 ] 1.1b - Registers & FE Cycle Theory Topics

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